

FreeBSD 8.1リリース

FreeBSD 8.1 が 7月 23日にリリースされました。
  • zfsloader added
  • zpool version of ZFS subsystem updated to version 14
  • NFSv4 ACL support in UFS and ZFS; support added to cp(1), find(1), getfacl(1), mv(1), and setfacl(1) utilities
  • UltraSPARC IV/IV+, SPARC64 V support
  • SMP support in PowerPC G5
  • BIND 9.6.2-P2
  • sendmail updated to 8.14.4
  • OpenSSH updated to 5.4p1
  • GNOME 2.30.1, KDE 4.4.5
ZFS関連が中心のようですが、Release note には気を引く事が書いてありました。
The HAST (Highly Avalable STorage) framework has been added. This is a framework to allow transparently storing data on two physically separated machines connected over the TCP/IP network. HAST works in Primary-Secondary (Master-Backup, Master-Slave) configuration, which means that only one of the cluster nodes can be active at any given time. Only Primary node is able to handle I/O requests to HAST-managed devices. Currently HAST is limited to two cluster nodes in total.
Linux では、DRBD なるソフトウェアで筐体ミラーが可能ですが、同じことが FreeBSD + HAST で可能になるということですね。
FreeBSD + ZFS + HAST で冗長化いけそうです。
FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE Announcement
The FreeBSD Release Engineering Team is pleased to announce the availability of FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE. This is the second release from the 8-STABLE branch which improves on the functionality of FreeBSD 8.0 and introduces some new features. Some of the highlights:

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